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Ethereum Ethers.js: Getting empty results despite existing transactions
When building decentralized applications, transaction tracking is critical for auditing and ensuring the integrity of your contracts. intelligent. A common problem when working with the Ethereum blockchain is that getLogs returns empty results despite existing transactions.
In this article, we’ll explore why you might notice this behavior and how to fix it using Ethers.js.
getLogs returns an array of logs that contain information about transactions on the Ethereum network. However, if there are no new or updated transactions for a given address within a certain time interval (also known as the „last block” or „block number”), getLogs returns an empty array.
Why you might see empty results
There can be several reasons why you see empty results from getLogs. Here are some possible causes:
- No new transactions: If there are no new USDT transfers to certain wallet addresses within a certain period of time, getLogs will not return any logs.
- Old block number: If the latest block number is older than the block number you are interested in (e.g. 100 blocks ago), getLogs may not return any results because no new transactions can be retrieved from that block.
- Network congestion or slow transaction processing: In a high-traffic network, some transactions may be delayed or dropped, resulting in empty logs.
Troubleshooting steps
Try the following steps to resolve this issue:
- Check existing transactions: Make sure there are indeed USDT transfers to certain wallet addresses by checking their balances and transaction history using other APIs or tools (e.g. MetaMask).
- Set a sensible block number limit: Increase the „blockNumber” parameter when calling „getLogs”. This will force Ethers.js to fetch logs from the block number specified below.
- Use pagination: If there are a lot of transactions happening in a given period of time, consider using pagination to fetch the results in blocks. This can help you process larger data sets more efficiently.
Code example
Here is a sample code snippet showing how to use „getLogs” with pagination:
import * as Ether from "Ether";
const walletAddress = "0x..."; // Replace with the desired wallet address
const blockNumber = 100; // Set a reasonable limit for fetching logs
async function getLogs() {
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
try {
const logs = await provider.getLogs({
address: WalletAddress,
blockNumber: blockNumber,
fromBlock: blockNumber,
toBlock: Infinity, // Get all transactions in the current block
return logs;
} catch errors {
return [];
// call getLogs with pagination
getLogs().then(log => console.log(log));
Following these steps and using pagination should fix the problem of getting empty results from „getLogs” despite transactions being present.