How to Become a Copywriter: Your Five-Step Guide For 2023

Generally, the person you’re working with on the agency side reviews your work and gives you some tips and advice on how to change things or make them better. So you can still get a learning experience that way too. The big positives are you don’t have to constantly be out on the hunt for new clients. The agency does all the heavy lifting when it comes to the marketing side of things. If you want to learn how to get into copywriting, working with an agency is a great place to start. It doesn’t matter how good of a copywriter you are if nobody knows about it.

„Copywriting is so important with the amount of resources available digitally nowadays,” Engin said. „So many times companies don’t have the time or foresight to invest their time into writing or are sometimes not sure where to begin.” Plus, with the online landscape, there’s room for more writers and more messages. There’s also „flexibility, your own schedule and several clients with different needs versus one company with similar needs all the time,” Engin said.

How to Find Copywriting Jobs

Before diving into the practical aspects of copywriting, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset. Developing a resilient and growth-oriented mindset is key to achieving success not only in copywriting but in any endeavor in life. By embracing a mindset that values continuous learning, persistence, and adaptability, you can overcome challenges and thrive as a copywriter. By choosing copywriting services that align with your strengths and market demand, you can carve out a niche for yourself and offer specialized solutions to clients. Remember to continuously evaluate market trends and adapt your services to meet the evolving needs of businesses and consumers.

As a copywriter, it’s essential to have some basic knowledge of search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is the practice of using keywords and structure to rank a piece of writing, such as a blog post, at the top of the search results page on Google. Proofreading is a vital skill that will help you become a successful copywriter.

How To Become A Copywriter (with No Experience)

Focus your CV on the skills and experience that the employer is looking for. If you haven’t noticed already, I’m a big fan of doing stuff that works for you on multiple levels. I love offering blog post writing because it doubles as advertising. I love SEO because it makes all the writing I’m already doing payoff 10x over. I love the idea of LinkedIn as a leads channel because it doubles as networking, which is insanely valuable to any business. People still read long articles, threads, landing pages, online resources, and books every day.

How To Become a Successful Copywriter

Next, have an established copywriter take a 5 minute look at your copy and give you some feedback. I don’t care if you don’t know an established copywriter. Ad writing is the godfather of copywriting, and it’s more prevalent today than it’s ever been before… by leaps and bounds. For more complex products and services, simply producing a concise statement that adequately captures the offer is a challenge unto itself. If you want to make money, you need to be able to utilize your persuasive writing abilities in writing specific types of copy that are in high demand. Click here to read my guide to the fundamentals of copywriting.

Start Here

I know people who call themselves „freelance copywriters” who make less than $20,000/year by freelancing. They may get a random gig here or there…..but they don’t make enough to actually live well. If an agency is going to hire you as a copywriter, they’re going to want to see some experience. And unfortunately there’s a lot of people from the aging print-publication industry who have lots of experience that tend to grab all the agency copywriter jobs. However if you’re not an expert sales person, fret not….there’s still room for you in the copywriting industry.

How To Become a Successful Copywriter

Whether you’re writing for the web, for advertising, or any other purpose, being able to write persuasive, compelling copy is essential. A formal education isn’t needed for copywriting, but the more skills and experience you have, the more pay you get. It’s basically inserting keywords so people can find your content on Google or other search engines. That being said, SEO copywriting would refer to optimized content that sells. Websites like Upwork and Fiverr are quite popular amongst freelancers.

Understand Your Audience

We partner with bada$$ companies that offer products that help our readers achieve their goals! If you purchase through our partner links, we get paid for the referral at no additional cost to you! Freelance Write From Home will show you how to start a profitable freelance writing business.

Any good copywriters charge high amounts because a good copywriter will help you make even more money over time. Copywriters also have the option to build their own copywriting business. Companies look for copywriters at different levels (from junior copywriter to senior copywriter) to create copy for all of their marketing assets. Business owners, marketing managers, and directors are often looking to hire professional copywriters. All that said, copywriting is a fantastic and rewarding career where writers can get paid great money.

How Much Does it Cost to Become a Copywriter?

Learn to make your content skimmable to get the most important points across to even your least-invested reader—and help them find what they’re looking for. With that said, the majority of people who come across a company’s website, landing page, or blog post aren’t going to read the whole thing. People want to know what’s in it for them while exerting the least effort. Writing a clear, powerful call to action is one of the most important skills a copywriter can learn.

  • Soon after I realized everything I was sending on my email list was totally wrong.
  • This way I wouldn’t have to do the stupid back-n-forth of scheduling consults.
  • Freelancing is a great option for aspiring copywriters looking to build their portfolio before applying to jobs or for working with a more flexible schedule than the typical corporate job.
  • So if you increase sales by 30% and your client makes an extra $30,000,000 that year……you don’t make any more money.
  • Make sure you understand what’s involved in the role you are applying for and upskill accordingly.
  • Though you might have been told to “omit needless words” from Shrunk and White’s The Elements of Style in college, no professor encourages writing short.
  • The emergence of artificial intelligence copywriting technology has raised concerns about the future of copywriting specifically.

Write thought leadership papers and interview as a subject matter expert. It will better position you in the marketplace, create leverage with clients, and trust with prospects. That said, I have never met a single copywriter who uses paid ads as their primary lead channel, and nobody I know can think of anyone doing this. Second, you are going to be dealing with a lot of rejection and a lot of trial an error in your first year as a copywriter.